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Organizacja imprez Add Event
ADD Event to grupa ludzi znających branże eventową od podszewki. 16 lat w branży. Setki przeprowadzonych na najwyższym poziomie imprez, wydarzeń sportowych, konferencji, targów.Współpraca z największymi firmami nagłośnieniowymi, oświetleniowymi i multimedialnymi. Wykwalifikowani i doświadczeni Spikerzy, DJ-e, Animatorzy oraz technicy dają Nam możliwości, które ogranicza już tylko fantazja. ADD Event - robimy niemożliwe i robimy to na wczoraj!

Agreements Sentences

Agreement sentences, also known as subject-verb agreement, are an essential aspect of writing that can make or break the meaning of a sentence. The agreement between the subject and the verb in a sentence depends on the number, person, and tense of both.

In simple terms, the subject-verb agreement states that the subject and the verb in a sentence must agree in number and person. For instance, if the subject is singular, the verb should also be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb should be plural as well.

Here are a few examples:

– The cake smells delicious. (Singular subject and verb)

– The cakes smell delicious. (Plural subject and verb)

However, the issue of agreement sentences becomes complicated when the subject is singular, but the verb is not in agreement. For example:

– The group of birds are chirping. (Should be „is” instead of „are” because „group” is singular)

To avoid such errors, it is essential to identify the subject of a sentence and ensure that the verb agrees with it. Here are some tips to help you achieve this:

1. Identify the subject of the sentence: The subject is the noun or pronoun that performs the action in a sentence. It is essential to identify the subject before choosing the appropriate verb.

2. Recognize singular and plural subjects: Singular subjects refer to a single noun or pronoun, while plural subjects refer to two or more. This distinction is essential when choosing the appropriate verb.

3. Ensure consistency in tense: When writing in the present tense, the verb should agree with the subject in the present tense. Likewise, when writing in the past tense, the verb should agree with the subject in the past tense.

4. Pay attention to collective nouns: Collective nouns refer to a group of individuals, but they can function as either singular or plural depending on their use in a sentence. For example, „the team is playing” vs. „the team are arguing.”

In conclusion, agreement sentences are an essential aspect of writing that affects the meaning of a sentence. To avoid errors, it is crucial to identify the subject and choose the appropriate verb, pay attention to singular and plural subjects, ensure consistency in tense, and be mindful of collective nouns. By adhering to these tips, you can improve the quality of your writing and avoid common grammatical mistakes.

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